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 Hello everyone! I absolutely love this week's topic, and that's why I picked it. Parenting! Parenting is such an amazing thing that so, SO many people get to enjoy. In this blog I'm going to talk about something called active parenting and how to achieve it because in all honesty, when I heard about it, it amazed me. There are also a variety of things that your children need so my goal is to make whoever reads this aware of what those are, because they are important. Active Parenting Some important aspects, these can be goals too, to remember while practicing active parenting is to teach your children to have respect. If you only teach your children one thing in life, it should be to have respect. Just like everything else, you and your spouse should work as one. Confidence in parenting is the consistency of both parents, in the action as well as in the punishment. If one of you says the child can't watch tv because they didn't take the trash out like they were ask
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Father's Throughout History/How are They Portrayed in the Media

 Hello everyone! This week is a little bit different than previous weeks. We're talking about father's and how their roles have changed throughout the years. Along with this, how they are portrayed on social media. For a little bonus, I'm also going to touch base on how we should be spending time together as families and how work/play should go hand-in-hand. To start off, between about 1800 and 1900, life and work were not seperated. Father's would often spend all day with their families and were really close with them as well. After and during the industrial Revolution, this changed drastically. Father's weren't able to spend all day at home anymore, in fact, they were rarely ever home at all during the week. They would typically work 60 hour weeks, which leaves pretty much no time for play at home with the kids. Because of this, the structure of families changed leaving the mother to do what the father had once done at home. The mother's were left to do th

Problems and Solutions of Communication

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Coping: Much More Than Just "Getting By"

 Hey everyone! This week is a shorter blog than past weeks, but I'm writing about coping and how that may look, and should look, in a marriage. Coping is a natural things that comes with stressor events such as divorce, illness, loss of trust, finance loss, moving, etc;  These things can cause a whole lot of both stress and anxiety. These things can often break a family apart, but we need to keep in mind that they can also strengthen a family as well, especially if you cope the right way.  Knowing the difference between healthy and unhealthy coping mecahnisms is extremely important. Some common unhealthy ways to cope could be alcohol, complaining, blaming someone or something else, burying and putting all your time towards work, and denial. Now while in a relationship, especially marriage, the most important thing you can do while coping with someone whether that's dealing with something individually or together, is to talk to each other. Talking to each other can help in a lot

Boundaries in Marriage

Hello! This week I'm going to be touching base on boundaries and the certain extent of boundaries that need to be set in a marriage.  First things first, boundaries should be personal and meaningful to your specific relationship. Mulitple conversations on what your boundaries are, need to be had with your partner throughout your relationship and need to happen often, especially after getting married. If special attention is put toward your marriage early on, this could prevent very extreme and real problems later on.  Let's talk about attachment. Attachment is something that is crucial to any relationship, but especially marriage. There are three basic things that could prevent a developing attachment toward your spouse. Friends, famiy, and media. You should never do anything that will end up getting you attached to anyone but your spouse. This includes our three subjects, friends, family, and media. Some examples of these things could exist as parents, siblings, any friends, e

Planning a Wedding

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Understanding Development

To start off, let's talk about the four age stages. There's birth- 2 years old, then 3-6 years old, 7-11 years old, and lastly 12-17 years old. In each stage, there are three domains. These include physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional.  Let's talk about the milestones that happen within each stage and go through them age by age: From ages birth-2 years old, your child may learn how to lift their head off of the ground, they may ley on their tummy. They will learn how to smile as well as how to vocalize. They will start to become aware of their body parts. The child will start to look selectively a well as maybe learning how to pull themselves up in a standing position. They will start to develop motor skills such as putting objects in a container. They will start to learn social referencing and problem solving. They'll learn how to walk and learn self-feeding skills. From ages 3-6 years old, your child will be able to think about objects, people, and events without