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Father's Throughout History/How are They Portrayed in the Media

 Hello everyone! This week is a little bit different than previous weeks. We're talking about father's and how their roles have changed throughout the years. Along with this, how they are portrayed on social media. For a little bonus, I'm also going to touch base on how we should be spending time together as families and how work/play should go hand-in-hand.

To start off, between about 1800 and 1900, life and work were not seperated. Father's would often spend all day with their families and were really close with them as well. After and during the industrial Revolution, this changed drastically. Father's weren't able to spend all day at home anymore, in fact, they were rarely ever home at all during the week. They would typically work 60 hour weeks, which leaves pretty much no time for play at home with the kids. Because of this, the structure of families changed leaving the mother to do what the father had once done at home. The mother's were left to do the yard work, cooking, cleaning, all while teaching the kids everything they were previously being taught by their father's. They had to fugure out how they were going to teach their kids how to work.

So now that we've talked about some of the history, let's reflect on it. Before the father's had to leave for work and be gone all of the time, the children were being taught that work was play. If children thought that work was a good thing, would they stop complaining about having to clean their rooms? If work was a way that the family could spend time together, it was quite fun. Some things that are important to remember in this day in age is that we need to make sure that our children know what dad does at work. It's important to let them know the reason/s why he's gone all day. This is a great way to teach them that it's a good things he's at work and the importance of him going to work. Some ways that we as parents can do to further teach our kids that work can go hand-in-hand with play, it that we can do our kid's chores with them while they're learning. We can work alongside our kids. This will help them know that work is a way to spend time together and help show them that it's not a hard things, nor is it a bad thing.

Not only is it a good way to teach your kids but doing things as a family such as work, school, chores, or activities is important and crucial to keeping the family close. We should live deliberately and teach your kids to do the same. Some reasons why work is crucial to keeping the family close is because play is competative and work is cooperative. We should be trying to find things to do that are more cooperative than competative. 


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