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Showing posts from October, 2022

Planning a Wedding

 A little different topic this week! We're going to be talking about planning a wedding. Now I'm not married and have never planned a wedding before, so this isn't going to be a guide on what you should buy or what colors you should include in your wedding. Instead, I'm going to be a guide on what the "enagagement period" of your relationship should and will entail, as well as how to manage it, and this just happens to include planning a wedding which is the biggest part of your time being engaged.  To start off, it takes both people in the relationship to plan a wedding. Although the woman often cares a lot more about the details than the man does, this doesn't mean that the man shouldnt give any input or opinion into what is being planned. And vise vera, the woman should be able to let the man give his opinion and share what he wants as well as what she wants. Throughout the whole planning process, each person in the relationship should often be asking e

Understanding Development

To start off, let's talk about the four age stages. There's birth- 2 years old, then 3-6 years old, 7-11 years old, and lastly 12-17 years old. In each stage, there are three domains. These include physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional.  Let's talk about the milestones that happen within each stage and go through them age by age: From ages birth-2 years old, your child may learn how to lift their head off of the ground, they may ley on their tummy. They will learn how to smile as well as how to vocalize. They will start to become aware of their body parts. The child will start to look selectively a well as maybe learning how to pull themselves up in a standing position. They will start to develop motor skills such as putting objects in a container. They will start to learn social referencing and problem solving. They'll learn how to walk and learn self-feeding skills. From ages 3-6 years old, your child will be able to think about objects, people, and events without

Parenting Styles

Hello everyone! In this blog I'm going to talk about parenting styles and touch base on the parenting style that's is the most effective when it comes to parenting your children. What are the parenting styles called? There are three different parenting styles. Authoritarian, permisive, and authoritative.  The authoritarian parenting style creates unsociable and withdrawn children who may struggle to understand how to make appropriate choices for themselves. The authoritarian parenting style is alike a "jawbreaker" because it has a hard shell, it's unbreakable, and it's rigid. This style is a very "my way or the highway style". No matter how hard the child tries, they cannot and will not be able to break the hard shell of a parent. You can think of these parents as strict and parents who call all the shots. In this parenting style, there is absolutely no negotiation involved and the child does not have a say in anything. This just proves that even tho

Rules of Attraction: Dating

 Hello everyone! I am absolutely so excited to talk to you about this week's topic. Dating! The steps of dating, the rules of dating, some things you should be doing while dating, the fun stuff!  To start off, let's talk about assortive dating. Assortive dating is dating multiple people, and a variety of people, at the same time. Believe it or not, this is the way you should be dating. The reason why this is the way to go, is because while dating multiple people at once, before being exclusive with someone, you can kind of learn and see what you like in a partner as well as what you don't like. It also helps you as an individual to know what you can change in yourself to do better. This is actually a really important step before becoming exclusive with someone because it is a very high level of commitment to date someone exclusively. Now this shouldn't freak you out, it just means that you shouldn't put all of your attention on someone before getting to know them, a

Gender and Family Life

 This week I wanted to talk about gender as well as family life, mainly the impact gender has on the family life. This is obviously a touchy topic especially with all the many things happening regarding gender in the world today, so because of this, I'll mainly be providing facts this week.  First let's talk about different male and female tendencies. Commonly we see that females are more detail oriented, they have more nurturing urges, they are more socially oriented as well as relationship oriented, they are better at communication and cooperation, more creative, they have the ability to be aware of multiple things at once, and scientifically they have more white brain matter than males. As for more masculine tendencies, males have more aggression, they are more competitive, they have more spatial awareness, they're typically the providers as well as the protectors, and they have a greater startle response. These tendencies very well play a part in the aspect of a family,

The Culture of Families

      Hello everyone! This week I've decided to write about culture and all the things we see in families that make up their own unique cultures. What makes up the culture in a family exactly? Well, a summed up definition of family culture is the shared values and beliefs that are practiced within the family. Basically "how you do things". In other words, we can possibly relate culture to traditions, religious practices, family rules, as well as family roles, which we talked a little bit about last week.      An interesting thing about culture is that we can/do often relate it to class. lower class, middle class, and upper class. If we look at each class, we can observe that they all have a different culture and may have completely different lifestyles. Starting off with the lower class, the first thing we can look at are the parents. What do they do for a living? Do both parents work? Is there just one parent taking on all the responsibility, single mom/dad? These are al

Family Dynamics and Theories

      Hello everyone! This week I've been thinking a lot about different family dynamics and theories. I find theories to be extremely interesting and especially when they're about something I am passionate about... families! I'm going to go through some different theories that I recently learned about in a course I'm taking in college.      The first theory that I'm going to explain is the Exchange Theory. I like to call this theory the "I help you but you don't help me theory. Think of this theory in the context of husband and wife. In a marriage, or a relationship, one out of the two people, or even both people can feel like they bring significantly more to the table than the other person. This as you can imagine, can cause a series of problems. They think "oh I'm not getting much out of this" or "I'm not receiving anything in return" and that can cause them to burnout and potentially give up on the relationship and even famil